Leaders The Islanders reached the major way marker at Start Point near Salcombe in Devon just before midnight. Their sights are now firmly set on land’s End, which the crew of Josh Taylor, Alan Morgan, James Plumley and Gavin Sheehan hope to reach on Wednesday night.
The crew apologised for the lack of blogs and photos from their boat, The Black Oyster. Skipper Josh Taylor explained: “We’ve spent all our time either rowing, sleeping or eating. We want to make the most of this amazing weather window. Besides, we had no mobile signal between the Isle of Wight and the south Devon coast.”
Look out for a promised blog tomorrow from the Black Oyster.
The crew of four row for two hours and sleep for a further two hours. One of the rowers is replaced at the rowing seat every hour.
Eleven miles from Start Point, Team Hallin are also now well ahead of the World Record pace, .