With a favourable tail wind in exactly the right direction, the leading teams are now well on their way to Portland Bill and on to cross Lyme Bay. Race leaders the Islanders are now nudging ahead of the 2005 World Record pace.
Remaining well out at sea, they have avoided the treacherous waters around Portland which stalled one of the 2010 teams for over 12 hours. In his Captain’s Blog, David Hosking of second placed Team Hallin reports that yesterday’s waters around the South of the Isle of Wight proved challenging, but the team were able to maintain a good rhythm. Hallin are also close to matching the 2005 world record pace.
So far no team has chosen to go through the busy waters of the Solent, where four tides a day can either give rowers a major boost or a serious handicap, depending on timing. It looks as if fourth placed Pure Gym considered it, but they are now heading down the southwestern coast of the Isle of Wight.
Fourth placed mens pair Savoir Faire are now off the Sussex coast and will be approaching the Isle of Wight and that ‘Solent or southside’ decision later this morning, while womens pair The Coast Girls are still battling along the top of Kent against a wind that will be in their favour just as soon as they can turn the corner at Margate. Come on girls, you’re almost there! Check out Sally’s voice blog telling of their gritted determination to get to the next stage.
Today is going to be an exciting day with favourable conditions and race leaders close to each other and to the World Record time.