The Oarsome Adventures Team is now complete as new crew members Sam Clemmens and Ian Kavanagh sign on – just in time to be put through their paces by sports pros from Aberystwyth University.
Celtic longboat rowers Sam, 34, (left) and Ian, 43, (lower left) are joining Heather Rees-Gaunt and Karl Steans in the Oarsome Adventures attempt to become the fastest crew to row non-stop around Great Britain.
This weekend (March 8 and 9) a sports psychologist, nutritionist and a professor of bio-medicine from Aberystwyth University will begin working with the crew to give them the best chance of doing well in the gruelling race to beat the world record of 26 days.
The professor of bio-medicine will study how the crew of one woman and three men move around the boat and examine their rowing techniques.
While, the nutritionist and sports psychologist will advise on getting the maximum advantage from their food and mental preparation.
Skipper Heather says: “Our new team will be three men and Wonder Woman. Soooo excited now. Sam and Ian are experienced Celtic longboat rowers and have already crossed the Irish Sea. We can’t wait for the race to start!”