Blog from Josh Tarr on Savoir Faire, at anchor near St Andrews on the Fife Ness, north of Edinburgh:
56 17.873N 02 36.568N That’s more like it 🙂 almost 7 hours on the oars together and made it to Fife Ness (16miles) by 0120. There’s a risky option to jump past Edinburgh but it’s not worth it, we need food and rest after that push.
The winds pick up through the morning dead against us, so we are better off until Wednesday morning (7am) where the wind is light and getting lighter towards 7pm, so we should be able to make reasonable progress.
Once we’re across, we should be able to shelter from the south-westerlies allowing us to keep on truckin!
It won’t be massively impressive distances each day but as long as we make the most of the opportunities we get then we’re happy. New goal, English waters for a bar of Fruit & Nut.
Well done to the girls (Helen Symons and Sarah McKinlay) for the hours spent filming with BBC Coast recently!
I’m dropping the phone falling asleep, so I’ll cut it short.
Big love, JT x