Blog from Jason McKinlay onboard Savoir Faire off the west coast of Scotland

Dedicated row for Sarah (my wife)..
Pushing on past Jura and on towards Mull. We managed to get through The Corryvrechan without harm at 6.2 knots, which was amazing… I’d just handed over to Josh for his stint and nearly forgot. I was deep in thought. We’d been expected to stop twice by now due to tides but managed to carry on. It’s now coming up to 34 hours which is great…
During that stint before Scarba, I was thinking about Sarah.
It’s not an easy thing for partners to do, to allow each other the freedom to be themselves, so that when they are together, they are at their best.
Sarah has always stood by me during my challenges, offering support where possible and even suggesting one or two challenges to “clear my head”.
I’m most grateful and extremely lucky to have a partner like Sarah.
It’s times like this morning, when Sarah takes Ollie to the child minder’s, Emilia to swimming, tidies up in readiness for people coming to the house, does the banking, the shopping, the works… While frankly, I’m in a rowing a boat, doing what I love to do.
This is a two-fold acknowledgment. Firstly to Sarah, who is both the backbone and the heart of my family.
Secondly it’s to all those people who support the dreams of their partners, unselfishly, without question (or rather, without many questions!), who realise that some challenges might cost a lot of money in order to fulfil a (pipe) dream…
But that in the end, the stories that come from these dreams are shared.
I am a lucky man.
The rest I say to Sarah every day xxx